Louiswildlife. Louis is Sailing to the South Sea
11x8.5 Hard Cover Photo Book

This book is part of a series for children and adults about Louis Wildlife, the kayaking Maine Coon cat, and his adventures. In book two, "Louis Wildlife. Louis is sailing to the South Sea”. Louis decides to find solutions for the ongoing problems on earth and help humans get happy again. Louis had heard from a wise fox and planned to visit him. So he enters a sailboat that brings him to a tropical island in the South Sea, where Louis becomes the scholar of the wise fox Liu, who teaches him the secrets of the path to wisdom.
With more than 300.000 followers on Facebook and Instagram, Louis, known as @louiswildlife, and his human team publish videos and photography about cats, wildlife, the beauty of nature, environmental conversation, biodiversity, and philosophy.
With more than 300.000 followers on Facebook and Instagram, Louis, known as @louiswildlife, and his human team publish videos and photography about cats, wildlife, the beauty of nature, environmental conversation, biodiversity, and philosophy.
- Published Date: November 09, 2023
- Product: Photo Book
- Paper Weight: Heavyweight Gloss